LACEA-RIDGE Job Market Showcase (JMS)

LACEA and RIDGE will hold the First Annual Job Market Showcase (JMS) on October 25-26, 2021. The JMS will be virtual and it is the First Annual Job Market Showcase (JMS). The JMS is intended to highlight the best work being done by LAC economic PhD students going to the job market that year as well as that being done by job market candidates in economics from anywhere working on LAC-related issues. Post-docs who will be on the market again are also able to apply although priority will be given to students who are going to the market for the first time that year.

Selection for participation will be as follows:

LACEA and RIDGE will jointly invite academics all around the globe to nominate outstanding job market candidates to take part in the LACEA-RIDGE JMS. The nominated candidates will be asked to submit their JMP (or a one-page summary), curriculum vitae, indicate their field or fields of interest, accompanied by a recommendation letter from their supervisor supporting the candidate and confirming the candidate plans to participate in the 2021-2022 EJM. Application from LAC PhD programs are more than welcome.

Academics should send their nomination(s) by email to indicating in the subject field “LACEA-RIDGE JMS + name of the candidate”.

Candidates should submit an application by clicking here.

A JMS Selection Committee, with the support of the LACEA-Network Heads and RIDGE Research Directors, will evaluate the candidates and make the final selection. Selection will be based on the quality of the applications with consideration given to field and candidate diversity.

The JMS Selection Committee this year is composed of Gustavo Canavire, German Cubas, Marcela Eslava, Chico Ferreira, Susan Parker, and Felipe Valencia.

Deadline for submitting applications: August 15, 2021.